Career Tutorial is an Educational Organisation based in India, Gomtinagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh that offers a variety of services in the area of Coaching & providing experience teachers for Home Tution for the students of classes 5th to 12th in all streams.
Incorporated in Year-1999, Career Tutorial by Mr. Gajendra Mishra has built a loyal experience teachers base that includes the eduaction industry, in the are of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Computer Science & all otthers subjects related to junior sections.
This is quite obvious question that you would have before choosing us for fulfilling your requirements. It gives us immense pleasure and pride in letting you know that we have gained proficiency in the Education Indutory, Solutions and Services for Coaching Classes & Providing Home Tutors.
We Value Our Students & Teachers as per below points :We Strongly Recommend That Users Should Use Upgrated Google Chrome/IE Or Others Browsers. It is mandatory for your registrant email address to be in use, for initiating certain actions.
Most Of The Services Avilabe Here Are Available From Career Tutorial. Links will be provided if you wish to purchase them from their copyright owners.
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